After graduating in Dramatic Arts from l'Ecole Nationale du Val Maubué and in classical singing from Conservatoire Georges Bizet, Paris, Valeria Altaver began her opera career performing in the title-role in Donizetti's opera ''Rita" and as Manuelita in Offenbach's ''Pepito'' at Théâtre Impérial de Compiègne.

She then played roles such as Serafina in Donizetti's ''Il Campanello di notte'', Serpina in ''La serva padrona"" at Festival du Haut-Limousin-Villefavard, Rosine in Rossini's ''Le Barbier de Séville", Marguerite in Gounaud's ''Faust'' followed by Violetta in Verdi's ''La Traviata'' under the direction of Alexandra Cravero, Micaëla in Bizet's ''Carmen'' with L'Orchestre Régional de Normandie, Zemphira in Rachmaninov's ''Aleko'' co-starring with Vitaly Romanov,

Elvira in Mozart's ''Don Giovanni'' with the National Radio Orchestra of Romania as well as the title-role in Verdi's opera ''Aïda" at Festival Mille et Une Voix, Saumur, France and the leading role Floria Tosca in Puccini's ''La Tosca'' for la Compagine les Folies d'Orphée...

She also played many roles in the Opéra-bouffe genre. Notably at Grand Théâtre d'Angers, not only in several Offenbach's operas such as Boulotte in "Barbe Bleue'',

Hélène in'' La Belle Hélène'', La Comtesse in ''Madame L'Archiduchesse'', but also in more rare productions like Frénégonde in Hervé's ''Chilperic' and Gabrielle in 'Claude Terrasse's '' Le Sire de Vergy''. These two Opéra-bouffe performances were recorded and released as a dvd, distibuted by Socadisc.

Additionally, Valeria Altaver took part in Aristide Ignard's ''Le Colin Maillard'' with les Frivolités Parisiennes which was played at La Fondation Singer Polignac among other venues. As she is also fond of the 20th century repertoire, she peformed as Marie

in Zimmerman's ''Die Soldaten'' for the Festival Européen Premiers Actes and as the lead female role in Schoenberg ''Von heute auf morgen'' with L'Orchestre des Rugissants.

Above and beyond her opera work, she also created several cycles for differents composers like Frederico Alagna's ''Petites suites parmi les plus taciturnes'', Gregoire Letouvet's ''Surgir'' under Patrice Chéreau's and Pierre Boulez's patronnage, ''Pierre Charvey's

''Aladin'', Olivier Kaspar's ''La belle et la bête'' and she has also played many characters in Benjamin Hamon's operas.

More recently, she took part in a international recreation of Camille Saint-Saëns '' Frédégonde'' as Brunhilda at Saïgon Opera House,

which has not been performed anywhere else in the world for 122 years, since its premiere in Paris in 1895. She will soon sing her first Verdi's ''Lady Mc Beth'' with les Folies d'Orphée and be Associate Artist at Théâtre de Saumur for the whole 2018/

2019 season.

In 2013, Valeria Altaver won the Ist Prize at UPMCF's classical singing national Contest, in 2012 a second prize at Léopold Bellan international contest and a first prize at International Opérette contest given by the city of Marseille in the duet category

alongside P. Brocard the same year. She was also awarded with the audience award and Prix d'honneur de la ville a year later in 2013 in Marseille.